Welcome to Dongguan Suiyong Glass Technology Co., Ltd!
Fireproof glass

Patented composite fireproof glass


Fireproof glass


Light weight, long fire resistance time, excellent quality, convenient transportation and installation

It can realize 90-120 fire-resistant temperature insulation with 20mm thickness and more than 3 hours fire-resistant temperature insulation with 30mm thickness.

It has good sealing performance and no air leakage. It can be made into glass of various colors.

Small gap between doors, good smoke and fire prevention effect, high fire resistance, beautiful and practical.

Fireproof glass series from product design to production and installation, not only humanized, but also pay attention to the fire-resistant effect of products.

matters needing attention:

As a new building fire protection product, fireproof glass is adopted by more and more buildings, but there is no special specification and standard for the design and inspection of this kind of products. The author believes that the following three aspects should be paid attention to in the design:

1. The application of fire-proof glass to the design of curtain wall and partition is not to simply change the non fire-resistant materials used in curtain wall or partition to fire-resistant materials, nor is it all right to replace ordinary glass with fire-proof glass, but to consider it as a fire-proof system.

2. The fire resistance rating of fireproof glass curtain wall and partition can only be determined by comprehensively considering the fire resistance rating of various factors of the whole system. It may be wrong to speculate subjectively, and it needs to be determined by testing if necessary.

3. When selecting fireproof glass in design, attention shall be paid to the corresponding relationship between the size of glass plate and fire resistance rating.

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