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Dongguan Suiyong fireproof glass technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Yu

Mobile: 136 0259 0190

Tel: 0755-27658310

Fax: 0755-27658310

EMAIL: 153478176@qq.com

Q Q:646193419

Address: plant 4, No. 28, Qisha Road, Qisha Industrial Zone, Shatian Town, Dongguan


Function of fireproof glass

Time:2019-07-31 14:54:19  Views:

Fireproof glass is a new type of functional material for building, which has good light transmission performance and fire retardant performance. It has the unique characteristics of high heat resistance, light specific gravity, high light transmittance, no yellowing, no bubbles and so on. Fire resistant glass with good performance still has good fire resistance and flame retardancy at high temperature above 1000 ℃.

Fireproof glass is mainly used to control the spread of fire or prevent smoke. It is a kind of measure fireproof material. Its fireproof effect is evaluated by fire resistance. It is a special glass processed and treated by special process, which can maintain its integrity and heat insulation in the specified fire resistance test. The original piece of fireproof glass can be float flat glass, tempered glass, composite fireproof glass, or single piece of fireproof glass

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